Calendar view on desktop - scroll resets when viewing a workout

When viewing calendar on desktop in a browser and opening workouts from the 5th week - to which I need to scroll down to see it fully - it resets the scroll back to top.

Scrolled fully down, no workout open (scrolled fully down):

After opening the workout (scroll resets and 5th week’s row not visible fully):

This is very minor point, but it did drive me insane when I was trying to compare and assemble several 5th week’s workouts.

Edit: I see this behaviour on both Chrome and Firefox browsers.

We will fix it. I use huge monitor so I don’t notice. But I hate irritants like this.

I did not verify this problem but one of my developers (also Alex) saw this on the forum and fixed it before I mentioned it to him. So this should be fixed now. I can confirm I don’t see a problem here :slight_smile:

Checked and it is fixed. Thanks a lot!

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