TD Stopped syncing/working on my tablet (Android 7)

Hi all - hope you can help. I’ve been running TD very successfully on my Galaxy Tablet S2 until recently when it suddenly stopped syncing with the website and my phone. I tried reinstalling the app hoping this would help but it just made this worse. Now I cant log in at all and I keep getting the message “connection Error - try again later” now I’m thinking its perhaps a compatibility issue because of the age of my tablet. Any advice/thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all

Strange, no idea. Let me investigate and see if I can see any errors.

Thanks Alex

Oh yes, I see your errors, it is Android 7. Sorry as we updated our technology this has become too old.

oh okay, I expected this would be the case. That’s a real shame as it was an ideal device to use with Trainer Day and it worked great. Is it much of a pain to continue to support Android 7 then? I can’t be the only one who has this version of Android software. Thanks Roger

The problem is the libraries we use don’t support Android 7 any more and if we don’t update our libraries than other devices have problems (or we solve issues but updating to the latest). Sadly, it’s just how the market works, everyone keeps doing updates that require eventually replacing mobile devices. I also like keeping devices a long time. I try to upgrade about every 6-8 years… so similar to this devices age. My iPhone now is 5 years old and my iPads are similar to age of yours but iOS seems to last slightly longer than Android. Not saying it is better value but they allow updates a bit longer.