Will the Fitness plan increase my Vo2max?

I am starting a coach jack plan based on the fitness criteria. 12 weeks duration. Should i assume that after 12 weeks my Garmin will give me a better vo2max? Or the fitness plan has another purpose. Just wondering before i tackle this plan. I forced to he plan for 75 MN 3 days a week. I feel like less than that, i want more time on the saddle.

Generally if you ride more than you have been riding and you get enough recovery and eat well you will improve. Seeing vo2max improvements generally means aerobic improvements. Each individual is very unique but if you have been riding 3X75 for a while and you continue riding 3X75 you are not likely to see much improvement. If you do something really hard you can get some anerobic improvements and short term aerobic improvements that is more likely to raise yoru vo2max in 12 weeks.

Generally you want to focus on the long term unless you have a specific event you are trying to be better for. This would fall into the “chasing numbers” category which it usually better to focus on doing the right process. Eat well, train and recover well, sleep 8+ hours a night 7 minimum. I would do zone 2 HR only in the winter, right before outdoor season start a build period of increasing weekly hours.

Hope that helps.

This article expains garmins vo2max.

Thanks Alex for the insight. I am going to read the article but I get what you are talking about. I will adjust my workout then.
Appreciate the tips