Hi @Alex, I don’t know where the problem lies but I stopped getting Power Range workouts again
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I noticed it the day before when I had to send a 30 min follow-up workout.
The main workout that had been sent to the calendar a few days earlier was with the Power Range.
On this occasion I wanted to refresh the calendar, so the only change I made to the plan was not to divide long rides indoors. But it didn’t help. I don’t like it when something doesn’t work, especially since it worked.
For indoor we don’t send ranges for outdoors we did. This looks like indoor to me.
OK, so why did it work before and now it doesn’t? Is it some random activity or maybe you’ve been working on Coach Jack lately?
I’m trying to understand the essence. As you can see above on the attached screenshots, however, it sends for indoor workouts because I use them only indoors all the time.
Why if Garmin requires a range to determine the result of a workout performance later, don’t give it that?
Previously we did not differentiate between indoor and outdoor and we had a range, when we added outdoor we have the range on outdoor but not indoor. We plan to add it to indoor also as a few people explained the reason why they would like it but we have been so busy this winter have not been able to do it. Now if you recently saw a range on indoor it is possible it is something to do with CJ vs community workouts. I was not sure what a range would do for ERG control so that is why we removed it for indoor.
Thank you @Alex for the information. As you can see above, this doesn’t matter for ERGs. The power was kept within the set limit, so there is no obstacle to give the green light to indoor training.
However, it still doesn’t leave me alone, so I’m looking forward to training on Tuesday.
As I’ve written before, it doesn’t matter because the analysis is done in intervals.icu anyway, but it’s good to keep all indicators in the green.
Best regards
Hi Alex,
Please can range be returned for indoor workouts?
Being part of an indoor partially sighted indoor cycling athlete group we all found that the moving cursor was easy to follow and keep in the centre of the green band.
We all feel it is now much more difficult to see the figures on screen.
We are over 20 in number and we all use the Garmin 530 Edge.
Many Thanks
Ok we are ready to start this very soon. We will get it done.
@Alex writes that they don’t send powerband workouts. But they do appear in my case. Last Friday and Saturday I had a problem, which I wrote about earlier, but on Tuesday and Wednesday I had the power ranges.
I have these settings:
And in Garmin EDGE 1040 it looks like this:
So it appears Coach Jack workouts are ranges but other workouts maybe not. Thanks for clarification. We will test this and make sure how it works and add ranges to all indoor.
Then my Coach Jack is broken, because all indoor trainings uploaded to garmin calendar are without a range, so my Workout Execution Score is always bad (3-5 %).
Strange, ok my developer is hopefully going to get this done today so I will have him review Coach Jack workouts too.
Guys I am too busy to test this, but my developer says it’s done. I will try to test it in the next couple of days too.
Is there any chance that you are syncing from TD>IntervalsICU>Garmin? In this case there won’t be a range.
Nope, just direct to Garmin. Anyway, it looks like it has been fixed. Yesterdays ride was again with interval ranges, but not sure if it was fixed, or if it was related to a different export - I used send to garmin outside first and then inside and both were OK.
Ok, cool, yes it should be improved/fixed for all workouts now.