Hi there, Coach Jack doesn’t seem to like me, here is the screen I am seeing after creating a plan.
I think there should be a plan showing, also seeing the save & next button greyed out
Strange. Did you create a huge plan or something? Do you have any popup blockers or language translators installed? It works fine for me and no one else said anything. Can you try another browser?
Hey Alex, the plan was quite small from what I remember
I had just taken out a subscription then logged out and back in before I tried to create a plan with Jack
Tried on my mobile device earlier and saw the same error, and now on my laptop with a different browser.
In the network tab I see a 404 for the coach jack api call, not sure if that helps?
Tried again now and it works
Totally strange. Glad it’s working.
I can’t see your errors in our logs but I see another error that is growing in popularity so maybe it had to do with yours so see if we can find that on and fix it.