Tax Neo 2T ERG Mode

I have just rejoined the platform, but seem to be having some issues in running workouts in ERG mode with my Tacx Neo 2T.
It might be something simple but I do not have the option to toggle ERG mode on the workout .

I have checked the trainer firmware and that is up to date. Am I missing something obvious in the settings?

Do you have the latest version of our app? Are you Android or iOS? We have a 2T and tested it today on Android with no problems. We might have old firmware on 2T. Two others users talked about a problem with Tacx Flux and we are supposed to work with one of them soon. So no you are not doing anything wrong, assuming you have the latest version of our app. Seems like our recent build might have caused this.

It’s on an IOS iPad so I presume so.

Ok might be ios related. We will try to get this fixed ASAP sorry about that.

Hi, @Harryp23

Could you please text here what version of the application you are using? You can find the application version in “Settings > Other settings” (by scrolling to the very bottom).

If it is version 4.4.5, in this case you need to upgrade to version 4.4.6 from AppStore. I’m asking because we did have such the problem, which fits your description in 4.4.5.

It was version 4.4.5 - thank you for the prompt response.
I have updated the app and will try again later :+1:t3:

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