A little color added

Would it be possible to have each zone in a different color ? The screen looks so blah !!!
I know it is a matter of preference though.


I hate colored zones :slight_smile: and love blah!!! :slight_smile: But currious how many other people want this. If enough did we could think about a setting to enable colored zones. Here is what’s on zwift vs our site. Again yes for sure personal preference.

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check kudo coach. i had a look at it and i like the way colors are done. indeed it is a preference.

Adding screenshot here for reference. I definitly like square blocks as compared to the rounded zwift style. But I still prefer solid color. The way they have zones on this makes total sense for outdoor from my perspective assuming you can define your own zones.


Are we talking about the app or the website?
In the app I’d prefer the solid color. But on the website I’d like some color (and square blocks!).

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yes I agree with color in website, in app solid color

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Keep the solid color, I say. Occam’s razor and all.

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+1 for colour in website solid for app

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