Added activity to calendar on website. Can't see it on iPad app

I just signed up yesterday so I’m still learning. I’m using to guide my training, and then I manually transcribe the bike workouts into TrainerDay using the webtool in the calendar section. It’s a bit of work but I got that down.

My problem is that I can’t see the activity in the iPad app. There’s no calendar in the app that I can see, so I can’t find the activity to do the workout.

The only way I found that I could do it was by pushing the activity out to TrainingPeaks, and turning on WOD. I was then able to start the workout and complete it, but for whatever reason it is not linked to the activity I manually created. Now I have an unplanned workout and a missing activity on the same day.

What am I misunderstanding?

there are 4 tabs at the bottom, go to Workouts. Then tap on the “\/” button which will reveal a dropdown.

Go to My Calendar.

you can also manually pair a completed workout w/ the planned workout

My iPad app doesn’t have My Calendar. All I see is:

TrainingPeaks - Workout of the Day
My Creations - Unlisted
20 - Free App Workouts & FTP Test

I checked the app on my iPhone and I also don’t see “My Calendar”.

If you want to see your calendar you have to switch the plan source from TrainingPeaks WOD to using our calendar.

That fixed it. Awesome!!

Thanks, guys. Loving the app. You guys should work together with Athletica AI to transfer their structured workouts directly :slight_smile: