App 'crashes out' during workout?


just recently started, first ‘crash’ was 7th Jan then 20th, 22nd and last 24th.

Crashed after 15 mins on the first 3 workouts then at 40 mins in the last.

Kit is…
Tacx Bushido turbo, used as a dumb trainer,
Stages left crank power meter,
Polar HRM,
Samsung Tab A Tablet, Android 11.
ISP not changed.

Not sure what was going on at first, but I paid more attention on the last workout…the app seems to disappear from the screen and the Tablet then shows a home page with the app minimised?
Taping on the App brings it to ful creen screen and still in the workout and running…but all Bluetooth connections for Power, Cadence and HR have been lost.
Continueing pedalling lets the app search for my selected devices which it finds but rather slowly.
Checking the workout in Golden Cheetah shows the dropout for both sensors at the exact same time.
Read that others had similar problems and tried an uninstall/reinstall before the last workout but it still crashed…but at 40 mins?

Any ideas?



I would guess this is a memory issue on your device (restarting the device might help, and trying to limit the number of apps and processes running).

This is the first actual crash I have heard of in a long time but usually crashes like this are memory related. In the past we had different crash issues that a re-install helped but that seems less likely in your case. Do you have a phone you could try some workouts on? You can record on the phone and broadcast to the tablet to see it. I know this is painful, just an idea for testing if you still want to see it on the tablet.


do have a phone and yes will be a pain, so…

I’ve cleared the App cache but not the data.

See how it goes in the next week?

Even with the phone, just as a one time test. If you have other stuff running in the background on your tablet minimize it. I am not android expert. I will try to get my tester to post ideas here as he has dealt with optimizing some android devices.

Always one App at a time. As you say, good practice.


So far, 4 workouts completed this week…no drop outs.

But, I have lost my ‘beeps’…

Ah someone posted about this.