App Screen Color

Hi, I used the app today and the only available screen was the “Dark Mode” Has the white screen been eliminated? It is difficult to see the smaller text against a dark background.

Yes, what we realized was that it was requiring a surprising amount of time to have both light and dark versions and very few users were using the light mode. Because our goal is to remain the lowest cost solution we have to make adjustments at time to save more money. So sorry about this. If you can let me know exactly what is hard to read we can see what we can do to try to improve this.

Additionally, one other user that has an eye related problem said their is a setting allowing you to reverse app colors in specific phone apps.

Thanks for the info. Life means change… But, since you asked. The graph of the workout is not much use to me. With that said, the lower boxes including the +/- Toggle buttons and the center % values whether it be for watts, slope etc could be larger. Say the size of the Target Watts and Watts Actual above. The reason I asked this is that the +/- Toggle buttons and resultant value are the only ones I actually may interact with in real time. Otherwise, I am good with the app display and like Trainerday.