App won't recognize Neo Tacx

I have an older Neo Tacx. My Samsung phone says the Neo is connected to bluetooth. The app cannot find it? Any suggestions?

You cannot connect BLE twice, so disconnect it from your phone settings, then look for it in the TD App.

Our new version coming out today fixes bug but for now as mentioned unpair from you phone android settings. You might need to restart phone. It definitely works with old Neo on Android

I just make sure it is never hooked up to my phone. It shows, but I do not connect to it from the settings.

Just in case…

That was my first set of tries. And I did it again at your suggestion. The Neo shows as available but not paired in the Bluetooth settings. App still does not find it. My other apps find it with no problem. Guess I will wait for today’s update and see if anything changes. Thanks for the info. Happy Holidays.


It looks like todays update is out, maybe you already had latest version. Andoid is slighly unreliable for bluetooth but the apps that have been around a long time (Zwift, TR…) have figured out how to eliminate most of the issues. I had one other user with a Samsung device that just could not connect no matter what he did. Make sure you kill any other cycling apps on you phone or other devices, I guess you did this. If it does not work, the only other solution I can think of is work with my developer but that would take about 30-60 minutes of your time.

Did it work before then, or was this your first try?

I’ve been losing so much time trying to figure these things / problems out throughout the years, it really a pain in the b…

Also what version of Android do you have? We are supporting 9-11

And - Garmin is king here - whenever the OS or any firmware of any device changes, you may have to start all over again…

Alex, first thanks for the offer on the support. Will see when I get some free time to do that. At any rate, I have Android 9 Build PPR1.180610.11.G950USQ8DTJ2 with a patch of October 1, 2020. Might be time to clear my bluetooth and start all over again.

Thanks for responding. I have some good luck clearing my bluetooth in the past, but I am not sure I want to do this right now. Just a bunch of stuff to pair up again. Once again thanks.

Alex, forgot, I do have the latest version.

Hi, I have old Neo. Works perfectly fine. First of all You need to disconnect any Neo connections with Your android phone. You need to connect only through TD app. If you have connected to Neo with any other device like iOS, please disconnect them all and try Android again. Good luck!

Yeah he tried all that… Something more but thanks Paul.

Really strange. We have lots of Android users and it works fine. We have two neos and no problem… Android is just strange sometimes.

Maybe it’s some other app that is still connected on same device? :man_shrugging:

Alex, self inflicted wounds due to an over zealous need for security and privacy. I did not allow location services during the install. It is working at this point. Thanks for you time.

Paul, Thanks for your input Vic

Cyclopaat, thanks for your input. Just one point, on Samsung I can connect to at least two bluetooth output devices at a once. I do this with my music. In this case, it was my need for privacy and I did not allow for location services. It was my Tacx app that actually gave me the clue that for whatever reason, I suspect the last update, the Bluetooth stack wants location services to at least find available bluetooth devices. Once again thanks.

Yes, you can connect to numerous different devices at the same time, on an iPhone too.

However, once you connected any device to any app or the phone itself, you cannot use the Bluetooth channel to connect it to another device/app.

With the exception of having a CABLE device, which will translate your Bluetooth into an Ant+ channel, so you can hook it up to multiple devices. But that’s because you are then using Ant+ and that doesn’t have the 1-on-1 restriction.