Can I see my FTP History in TrainerDay?

Is there a place on trainerday or any likned apps where one can see FTP test results over time? ie month to month, year to year.
Alternatively is there a way that I can see my previous test results to do my own analysis?
I did a search but might have missed it

We have avoided much on the analysis side (leaving that to other platforms like IntervalsICU, GoldenCheetah or TrainingPeaks) but we are tracking FTP history here.

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Perfect! Thanks!

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sorry to resurrect an old thread here but can you see the actual result of a TD ramp test anywhere? mine flashed up on screen but the sweat-tears obstructed my view :smiley:

We don’t have that history, but if you take the highest minute average and multiply by .75 that is what it would be. Strava you can do this easy. If you send me a PM with the link to your activity from our website I can tell you.

got it, thank you! :+1:

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