Coach Jack plan question

Im making a plan with Coach Jack, for event on dec 17, i see an option of indoor long rides and see that when o mark the option there it put on 2 workout, what that mean? 1 on the Morning and other on the afternoon?

Also if i Will usé the plan for indoor and outdoor workout How can i tell Coach Jack i have done the workout if only using Garmin Strava for outdoor? Or need to usé also the app of TD?

I will like to no use if posible ( when outdoor)

Coach Andrea says indoor bikes don’t have enough movement so it’s better to break up sessions longer than 90 minutes. You can ignore this if you want (turn off indoor), but it’s healthier. Any break between them is good. 30, 60 minutes is perfect, or early day late day is fine.

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Ok, ya puse el plan sin hacerlo así, entonces yo cuento con un kickr core, es igual? Temprano y tarde me parece bien o la opción de tomar un descanso también, como editó el plan para activar la opción ya que lo guarde sin marcar el recuadro

Ya encontré cómo editar, sólo me queda la duda de si se considera lo que dijo la Coach Andrea si lo que tengo es un rodillo Smart wahoo kickr core, y la pregunta de cómo actualizar desde mi Garmin o strava mis entrenamientos outdoor

Yes, all indoor trainers are static in movement, not like outdoors. So Kickr Core is the same. Many people do very long rides indoors so you don’t have to split them. You can edit you plan and re-sync it to our calendar if you want to change it.

Oh you figured it out :slight_smile: Yes Kickr Core also. You can delete your plan and start over to re-sync to garmin. We need to improve this. You might have to use a trick I used to bulk delete from Garmin and send it again. Strava should not change.

Ok entiendo éso, Pero hay forma de enviar entrenamiento de Strava a la app de Training day? O no es necesario?

También lei por ahí que si no Puedo hacer un día el entrenamiento Puedo hacerlo después sin problema o ya no es posible?