Coach Jack plan

Not really sure how to understand that. I used that plan creator for my indor trainer.
Each day I see one workout for 1.5h-2.5h and on Saturday I hav three separate workouts for 1.5h, 1.5h and 30 min. All of them are separate. Should I do one by one or chose one ?
How to understand it ?
Kind regards Peter

Hi Peter, you can turn off this feature if you want. We don’t recommend longer than 90 minutes without a break indoors. The movement is too repetitive, especially compared to outdoors. The longer the break between them the better but some kind of break is better than none. You chose what is best for you. You can see this is where you turn this feature off/on and the description. We should add more to the description to answer the question better. But I realize most people don’t read, including myself :slight_smile:

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