Hi everyone, I wanted to know if it was possible to do 2 training sessions since yesterday I missed training and today I would like to make up for it since I have more time available, is it recommended to do so? yesterday I had HIIT today ENDURANCE I wanted to include HIIT repetitions at the start of training and then continue with endurance what do you think? I accept advice, thanks
If you are not over doing it all the time, I see no problem with this. If you are tired or run down then maybe not the best idea.
Along these lines, is it possible to create a MAF test that goes right into the TD Ramp test (automatic)? I’ve tried to create one of these in my own workouts, but haven’t tested it yet.
I tried this the last time I did a ramp test but I couldn’t even get the HR+ feature to drop the erg low enough. I think I had a pairing issue which I think won’t be a problem going forward.
Not sure if you can see my privately created workouts. If not I can share it and you can provide feedback on how to create it better.
You can create your own workout. You could search for and clone our Automatic workout and just modify the first segment to automatically be HR+ mode and the switch to ERG. Just make sure the title contains “Ramp Test” and it should automatically calculate your FTP… It’s an interesting thought.
In general I like the idea of being able to have a work out in the queue that would start immediately (or at least pop up with the option to start) after the first is finished. It would make it easy to use the same warmup with various workouts and tests without need to create a ton of workouts.
Yes it works that way now. Meaning you can start one workout and when you start your last interval just go to your favorites and click ride now and it will insert it at the end of the current warmup you are doing.
I should also say on the workouts/plan tab you should see recent workouts so you can always do more than one.