Consistency, Consistency, Consistency + Strength Training

@DrJulesG1 after a lower back injury (herniated disc) from a car accident, I’ve hurt my back three times doing squats (and working with a coach “with good form”).

But I have found doing weighted lunges to be better for me and not cause back injury.

I’m not an exercise physiologist or anything close to that, so take it with a grain of salt, but wanted to share my experience in case you wanted to try substituting squats with lunges.

Hi @dduffey, thanks for your suggestion. And you have my sympathy with respect to your back injury being caused by a car accident!

My back issues stem from nothing more than a young man’s ego - trying to deadlift a weight that was far too heavy for me in my early 20s, a pop followed by searing pain, and a lifetime of having to treat my back carefully! :slightly_smiling_face:

Funnily enough in all the years I’ve been training I’ve never tried weighted lunges. But thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking it’s time to change around some of the exercises I’m doing, so I’ll try giving the lunges a spin.

Hello! Everybody this is elle and reading your comments is quite interesting by the way nice alex :grinning: you made up an great discussion. Alright, let’s break it down in a super relatable way. Consistency is like the unsung hero of making things work – be it daily routines or hitting the gym.

Picture this: you’re trying to learn a new song on the guitar. If you strum a little every day, it starts to sound pretty good over time. Same goes for life stuff – consistency is that secret sauce.

Now, being consistent isn’t always a cakewalk. It’s like trying to eat more veggies or floss every day. You gotta find your groove, maybe set small goals, or team up with someone who’ll keep you on track. Turning it into a habit, like brushing your teeth, makes it stick.

Now, let’s talk about strength training. It’s not just about looking like a superhero; it’s about feeling like one in your everyday life. Carrying groceries, chasing a bus, or just having the energy to power through your day – that’s the magic of strength training.

And if you’re into cycling :biking_man: oh boy, it’s like putting turbo on your pedals. Strength training makes your legs the real MVPs, helping you conquer hills and ride longer without feeling like a wet noodle afterward. It’s like a tune-up for your body, keeping everything running smoothly.

In a nutshell, consistency is the jam, and strength training? That’s the secret weapon making your day-to-day feel a bit more epic :star2:

Welcome Elle and very nice. Yeah it feels so good to be strong (and fast).