Custom Workout Ends Early

So I’m a little bit OCD and this is driving me crazy (not literally…okay maybe a little).

I have a custom workout that is exactly 70 minutes long, but twice now TrainerDay has ended the workout at 69:59. Not the end of the world by any means, but I’m just curious why it’s doing that and how to fix it (other than making my workout 70:01 long).


Hi, hmmm… we will look at this. I don’t think we have seen this. We will try to duplicate it and let you know what we find. Some how it might have something to do with your trainer but we still can fix it some how.

It happens to me too, but I don’t worry about it. I’m posting this to show that it’s not an isolated case. :slight_smile:
Trainer Day - Activity Detail

Oh interesting. I always have auto-extend on so I just stop when ever I feel like. I also don’t do long workouts.

I thought this update might have fixed it given the “Fixed activity time” entry, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. :disappointed:

It should be fixed, meaning the workout length should match the activity length. You are not seeing this?

Nope, it’s still cutting it short. This workout should be 70 minutes and it’s 69:59 after completing.

Can you verify at the bottom of other settings you have version 5.1.7 of our app? I have tested this multiple times to day with multiple 60 minute workouts and it always ends up at exactly 60 minutes on the iphone.

When it first saved it said 70 minutes for about half a second and then changed to 69:59. No idea why.

I also view the workout on a larger screen using the web link, so I don’t know if doing that triggers the issue?

Hmm… we will try that. Maybe some how it could change something.

It’s so strange, can you send me the link to your workout (not activity)… we tried that too and it still works correctly for us on both iPhone and Android.

I just messaged it to you.

Although…I will say it does it with all of my custom workouts, not just the one I sent you. So I’ve got no idea.

Strange it must be something to do with your devices some how, which training devices are you using? But I am trying that workout.

Wahoo KICKR Core
Polar H10 HRM
Coospo B9KC Cadence Sensor

@conti can you check if 5.1.7 solved the issue for you?

Success!!! Using your workout it was off by 1 second!!! :slight_smile: This means since we can duplicate it we can fix it :slight_smile: No idea why this happened but we will figure it out.

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What’s also interesting is if I convert from indoor to outdoor the ramps are both off by 1 second.

I guess that’s a good thing haha, since it’s not just me. And that’s also interesting the ramps are off. All of my custom workouts either have a ramp warmup, a ramp cooldown, or both. I wonder if the ramps are what’s causing the issue, based on how it is breaking up the gradient increase.