Customize data fields visualization in the app (+add Speed and Distance info in the app)

I think this would not be very complicated to do (I suppose) and it would add an option that is present in most sports watches (Garmin, Suunto, Coros, etc …):

The ability to change data fields on the main training screen.

Currently 6 data fields appear, and in a predefined order (and below, the graph with the intensity of the training).

The idea would be that each user could change each of these 6 data fields and put them in the order that he wants.

This could be done in 2 ways (you could choose the way that would be easy to implement… or both!):

  1. Directly inside de app, with an option to customize data fields
  2. In our profile in the website (this could be a premium option)

In addition, by being able to customize them, if in the future more options are added (for example, being able to show the “speed” field, or the “distance traveled” field), it would not be necessary to add new fields and remove space from the graph below in the phone screen, but rather that you could change the 2 fields that you use the least of the 6 and replace them with those 2 new ones (or any others that could be created in the future) and … that’s it!

… and this is related to my second proposal:

Adding these 2 data fields (speed and distance traveled) to the fields that can be displayed directly in the app screen.


I would strongly support this call. Actually, I’d like to be able to swipe lower 4 fields block just like I do on my Garmin edge in order to see metrics grouped at different level - either whole WO or interval.

Fields I’d like to be able to see (in addition to those we have):

for entire workout:

  • NP
  • TSS
  • avg cadence
  • work in kcal

for current interval:

  • avg cadence
  • target cadence is there is one (I know about color)

Thanks much, Alex!

Hi guys, we will consider this. Sorry @Berto for not responding to your earlier message. We have target cadence now so not sure I understand this one.

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In the app is it possible to display %fcmax instead of bpm?

Hi, I am not sure what fcmax is but you can always set your threshold HR to the “fcmax” what ever that is and then at least you will see it on the scale to get an idea. Please explain more. I can see with the high interest in HR based training we will need to prioritize more features for it before winter if possible.

Fc %max and maximum heart rate expressed as a percentage. It would be convenient to be able to change the data in the app instead of BPM. Even as you said to enter the threshold frequency … But always see it as a percentage on the app

Yes, I am a person that thinks in terms of max HR% myself so I can relate. We have threshold HR because it keeps your HR targets similar to your power targets but I understand exactly what you want and I would like this myself.

Perfect then we hope you insert it as a choice of visualisation in the td app

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