Differences in training time between trainerday and intervals.icu

Differences in training time between trainerday and intervals.icu.

I have been noticing these time differences for some time now, normally I edit in intervals.icu and get everything right, but it is strange, I think the error is in the text that is sent to interval.icu, this is because if we see what is in the text and the graphic itself is no longer correct between them,
then the information is sent incorrectly.

Or is something missing???

Oh we switched from ZWO to sending text a few months ago. Looks like a new bug. We will review

Saw the same yesterday on my plan.

Alex for some additional info, when I downloaded the all plan (MRC), and then manually imported the first workout to Intervals, it actually loaded the workout correctly, but the description was not fully uploaded.

This should be fixed now.