Doing It Right? Coach Jack Plan with Zwift

Hi Everybody,
this is what I do, it works but could it be done better ??? Am I missing something ???

  1. Create a plan with CJ
  2. Export the plan in .ZWO files
  3. Copy workout files in the correct Zwift directory on my pc
  4. Double log with Zwift and my Garmin 255 during workout
  5. Save activity on Zwift and Garmin
  6. Garmin sends my activity to for further analysis

I also noticed that when a Cadence drill enters into play during a workout there is no evidence at all on the Zwift screen…

It says the wattage of the next interval but you discover that you have to increase your cadence when you are just into it…

I’d love to know it before… :slight_smile:

Erik Il Rosso

I use Zwift too with TrainerDay workouts.

1-3: Agreed.
4: I personally do not double record.
5: Zwift will send the files to Garmin.
6: Agreed

If the workout has cadence directions I found that Zwift will show that on the screen. I’m not using CJ now, but when I did Zwift would yell at me for too slow of a cadence often :slight_smile:


Hi Dave,
thanks for your reply, your method is better than mine…

  1. I synced Zwift with Garmin
  2. No more double log

So, workout in Zwift ==> file sent to Garmin ==> file sent to

Right ???

Regading cadence if you use a Zwift workout from their library you will see a warning on the top left part of the screen (where the stars are) but if you use a CJ workout you see nothing until you are in the segment (hope I am not mistaken)…

But, how can CJ suggest the best next plan for me if he knows nothing about what I have done in the previous weeks ???

After 12 weeks training I might increase my FTP, adjusting it in my profile would be enough in order to help CJ create the best plan for me ???

Lots of questions, I know… :slight_smile:

Erik Il Rosso


Yes, I think you’re correct on both #1 and #2. I still have Strava set up so for me I think Intervals is getting the data from there, but Garmin could also work.

I think you’re also correct about cadence. I don’t recall seeing a cadence requirement until I was into the interval.

I would describe CJ as a static plan, you generate it up front and then work through the plan. It won’t “adapt” mid plan or change FTP. You’d have to test again at some point to see what your FTP has done.

When you’re ready for another CJ plan you would need to go through the creation process again. I understand CJ will look at your recent hours during that process so perhaps the hours would go up because of your recent training history?

Alex could comment with better details me about the CJ stuff.

If you try my method for Zwift/Garmin etc… probably do it with a 10 minute ride and have a trial to see that it is working. I’d hate to see you go through a 90 minute ride and find out there is a problem.


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Garmin will not forward anything that´s not recorded on one of their devices or was uploaded manully.
Zwift - Garmin - Intervals will not work.
Intervals now has direct connection to Zwift. Better use that.

Unless I’m misunderstanding of the 3 X’s below would work to bring the data into Intervals.


He means Zwift > Garmin > Intervals wont work but it looks like

Zwift > Garmin
Zwift > Intervals

will work

I created a free Trainingpeaks account, my Coach Jack plan gets synced to the Trainingpeaks calendar, and each day I go to do the workout in Zwift it has that day’s Coach Jack workout. This also includes any cadence goals and has worked very well for me for the two weeks I have been trying this.


Hi Everybody,
at present I let Intervals receive “Wellness data” from Garmin only…

I let Intervals receive activities from Zwift…

Then I double log as suggested in the Zwift forum…


Double log, edit your Garmin entry after the fact to make the distance and elevation match the Zwift totals. Add a screenshot of the Zwift Companion app log entry for posterity.

There’s no other way to get the physio data and have Garmin credit your distance/elevation toward Garmin challenges.

This is a Garmin decision and short of them giving full credit for Zwift activities, there’s no workaround other than editing the .FIT file with FitFileTools - which is a bigger pain in the saddle than just doing what I’d suggested above.


Just tested, it works and Garmin training status correctly updated…

Erik Il Rosso

This is what i do-it just works.