Downloaded Plan - ICS File Empty/Corrupt (resolved)

I usually download my training plans and then copy the ZWO files into my Zwift Workouts folder. At the same time I upload the ICS file contained in the download to Google Calendar.

Unfortunately, the ICS file is no longer working (I’ve tried several different plans, start dates etc.). The ICS file size is 0kb and all the ICS viewers I’ve tried say it is either empty or corrupt.

Any ideas?

Sorry we will test it, can you send me a link to your plan to be safe it’s not specific to that plan. We should be able to have this resolved tomorrow is my guess.

Thanks, links to plans below:

Ok thanks, yes it is doing the same for me. Seems like a new bug, as I said hopefully we can fix this tomorrow. Should be able to.

This is fixed now.

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