I am new to TrainerDay, and like the ease of creating a workout, then quickly using it. It is a great complementary application to my training.
I like to use progressions in my training over time. For example: a four x five minute block with two minutes of rest will be changed to a one minute rest. Once adapted to it, I will add another block of five minutes.
I see there is an ability to add time, 10 seconds, to an interval, or increase/decrease power.
What I am looking for is the ability to modify a workout, that I have created. I may be missing it, but once saved, except for what I mentioned above, I cannot find a more robust means to modify my workout, and re-save with changes. Such as reopening the workout in workout creation mode where I make a few modifications and get back to training.
I am trying to avoid creating multiple workouts for with slight structural changes, like an added interval, or changing the finish of a workout.
I tried to upload two other screenshots, and that did seem to work. One was a 5 x 5’ workout with 1’ rest between. That was a workout I did today. Today, I did it with Z2 watts. If I was to that workout with sweet spot watts at this time of the year, I may want to increase the rest to 3 minutes. If I used Z2 watts again, I would use 8’ blocks, which would increase the length of the workout at the same time.
Ideally, if under an “edit mode” it brought me back to the original creation screen on the web application, I could quickly make my edits, save the changes, and get to work.
I may be asking too much.
In a usual week, I train intervals on Tuesday and Thursday. One day use short intervals, the other day is long intervals. I was hoping to have a workout template for each day. Modify it as appropriate for the time of season, or area of training I am focusing on, like 5 x 5’s. I believe more experienced riders train this way. Plus, it saves on storage
Just trying to keep it simple. Nothing fancy. Over the years I find simple works best. I do look at other workouts for ideas, and like the search capabilities of TrainerDay.
As Alex has shown, click on edit and you are again in the ‘creation mode’ of the workout, and can easily edit your existing workout.
You have to click on the three dots to get to the options of the workout.
As R2Tom points out edit mode let’s you edit it with original data. So I am confused.
But maybe you are saying you would like to be able to edit in the app or at least click edit in the mobile app and open the web app? My guess is this would save about 10 seconds of time but maybe I am not understanding. Or maybe this 10-seconds is important
Dang! You guys are fast! You created exactly what I was looking for, even on a weekend! Amazing!
All kidding aside, thank you for the quick replies, both of you. I am not sure where I missed the discussion of the “edit” function during the instrumental videos, but obviously, I did.
The edit function you have including in the web application is exactly what I was looking for. Now, I can create some repeatable bae workouts that I use weekly and modify them as I progress through my training. This is exciting
Again, thank you for your quick replies and informational instructions. I appreciate it
@Alex BTW, we spoke once about editing a workout straight in calendar, any plans on it? My typical routine is that I copy a whole week in TP, paste it to the next and modify them exactly as @Oldmanbiker described. At TD I need to copy workouts, modify and paste new versions of them which takes longer. Rigid training plan is kinda inflexible.
Sorry some how this fell off my radar. That seems like a pretty reasonable request. What is the source of these workouts? Ones you create yourself, or clone from others or coach jack?
These are mostly my own. I use my own WU routine (we talked about this some time ago) and then I have in build phase VO2max progression on Tuesdays, threshold on Thursdays and Tempo on Saturdays. Being an endurance diesel, I try to improve mostly TTE, so I mainly use lower targets but longer intervals. That means, VO2 I do at 107% and Z4 at 95%. Every week I just add like 30s to the interval and maybe shrinking the recovery valley and that’s it. If you have enough time, you end up pretty high with very small incremental steps that will never put you in overtraining.
CJ workouts seem to me kinda jerky, lots of useless intervals like 1m at 76% + 1m at 73% and then back again, too many intervals with no clear zone targeting.
Sometimes when load feels like too much, I can easily step back and copy any week before without basically breaking the structure of the training plan.
In general, I believe that balanced load covering all major zones is just fine if you have no VERY specific race/event requirements like a climb of 15% for 30 min Balanced plan will bring you like 90% of improvement anyway, does it make sense to fight for the rest 10%, trying to find the Holy Grail?
Just in case, this is how my typical week looks like at the moment, next week I’ll be out in mountains in Las Palmas
Yup…. @Bad_Santa is speaking my language! It is called “progressive overload.” As you progress through your base phase of training, you then work on adding intensity during your build phase. As you get closer to that goal event, you then try to squeeze out that last 5-10% in the specialty phase of training. Along the way, you mange fatigue by adding in those rest weeks.
Online training plans seem to try to push variety using a whole bunch of varied workouts. TrainerRoad is like this. I believe the thought is variety helps chase boredom away. I get it, and understand it. You just have to embrace the grind and realize discipline and consistency works.
If you have years of experience, you have a decent sense of what works. Yes, keep an open mind to change and tweaks. Keep looking for progress. Now that i understand the “edit” function of TD after my “duh moment,” I am ready to roll!
Yes, for me TD rocks. I have been looking for a way to quickly build my own workouts when indoors. Like @Bad_Santa …love the name I do not need something fancy. Keep it simple, make it easy to use, then I can focus more on the fun part….training!
Coach jack is 100% progressive overload focused. We used to have a feature that made it much easier to just create your next sequences but it would create copied workouts rather than updating existing. But since progressive overload is very individual from both a coach (workout designer) and athlete standpoint our implementation did not make that much sense (my bad idea), so we removed it. Anyway. Yes, I like to facilitate people being able to train their way as long as it’s a generic implementation that benefits most or many.
I thought I responded to this. Yes we should add edit to calendar I fully agree, this is pretty standard feature, we just do things a bit non-standard, some good some not as good It would be nice if you could edit from calendar and it will ask do you want to update original (if it’s yours) and otherwise create an in place clone (transparent to you, you just edit) other than it would place a copy in your library.
I agree on CJ secondary work being kind of jerky, we did it kind of in a rush on first release and since never got any complaints (until this one) we never improved it. My/our belief is when you are talking Zone 2 /Zone 3 that is not pure Zone 2 (below AeT) focused, our belief is that jerky is fine from a training perspective. I would have rather done very simple steps or mostly flat from secondary work but I thought it would look too strange for indoor. For outdoor we have very flat. We should make indoor less jerky or make it an option or something. As I said since no one complains maybe most people like it. I don’t mind it myself but I would prefer a single intensity for the entire secondary work.
Las Palmas, lucky you. I will be home in the cold suffering Or actually having fun with the kids as long as all the sicknesses in the house disappear… mine is about gone.