Elite Direto not in ERG mode

My power output on an Elite Direto (original version, updated to the latest firmware) with a Zwift Cog (single speed) is essentially flat during TrainerDay sessions.

I assume TD is supposed to vary the resistance throughout the workout until my power output matches the target. Regardless of rpm, I stay at approximately the same power, which is well above the workout target. This is consistent over 60 minute workouts.

I assume this means the Direto isn’t in ERG mode. I don’t have much experience using a trainer, so it’s possible I’m overlooking some obvious solution on the trainer itself or within the Elite or TrainerDay software. But I’ve poked around and don’t see any obvious fix.

How can I get TR working so that the difficulty automatically adjusts with the workout?

Make sure nothing else could be connected to the trainer. Garmin or Wahoo or other app. Restart your phone and check. If that does not work try re-installing our app. You are right if you see ERG selected in the app it should automatically set the resistance all you have to do is pedal.

It seems that either the trainer had been mostly working the whole time or reinstalling the app helped, thank you.

I can now see that ERG mode seems to be working as intended at relatively higher wattages, like >=130. However, at lower wattages, like when the session is aiming for 90 watts, I don’t go below about 110 watts. I see a similar problem in a ride I did with your competitor’s software, so I suspect this isn’t a TrainerDay problem.

I wonder if this is due to a combination of the Direto’s lower limit of resistance it can offer and the gearing of my setup, which isn’t anything weird, 39 chainring and Zwift Cog.

Good to hear and yes, I would guess it’s highly likely related to zwift cog… Can you shift it down to a smaller gear?