Elite Novo Smart Trainer

Hi, is this device supported on TrainerDay? It works with a number of other services and I can receive cadence and speed data but the watts are waaay too high, like 2535355W, I’m guessing there is no power curve in the app for it?

Likewise, would TD be able yo control it and follow a power level plan like in my-elite and Trainer Road?

This works just like TrainerRoad for most trainers. It sounds like we are treating yours like a dumb trainer with virtual power instead of smart trainer. If it does not have a built in power meter then you likely need to change the virtual power curve in the devices tab. I can research more on Monday but if you give screenshot of connection tab it will help.

Hi, sorry for the delayed response, this is the connection tab image

This is supposed to work in erg mode as well, this is the device


Also here are the P1,P2 &P3 settings from the Elite app.

Link doesn’t work unfortunately… ends up as 404

Hi does this link work now, it works on this end.


maybe only for Italian market? Dunno… still 404 here…