ERG mode delay/inconsistent, slope not working (Wahoo V1)

Kickr Core (V1, from 2018) with iOS app connected via bluetooth. Erg mode seems inconsistent: power “feels” all over the place, even with steady cadence, little feeling of ever getting “on top of the gear”. More like riding into a headwind than up a steady grade. Very different than the feeling I get with Zwift or TrainerRoad apps. Also, about a 15 second delay changing power particularly noticeable on short intervals. Again, with TR, Xert, or Zwift, it’s maybe a couple of seconds at most. Also had it where it never changed resistance – seemed to be triggered if I increased cadence in anticipation of the interval.
Tried slope mode for the short intervals, but it didn’t do anything: one resistance that wouldn’t change with cadence or gearing changes, so I would spin out on a short hard interval.

Hi, sorry to hear that. We don’t own a V1 and that uses the old protocol so we don’t have a good way to test it. Any chance you would be willing to work with my developer, we should be able to get this fixed reasonably quickly if you work closely with him. Hopefully less than 30 minutes of your time sitting on the trainer (getting a big of recovery training in :slight_smile: )

i should say it used to work fine with V1, not sure what changed and no one reported this so not sure if this is a recent bug/issue or what.

I guess? Does this have to be real-time? I’m happy to do a ride and upload it, but my schedule is kind of unpredictable, so it’s hard to commit to a time block. Any time I’d agree to, I’d have a 25% chance of not being able to make it.

I do think it is a more recent regression, as I tried a TD workout a while back, and it seemed don’t recall these issues

It works better real-time in that he can ask you to do certain tests based on the data he sees and secondly the logging streams directly to his laptop so at the minimum he needs to make sure his laptop is on at that time. He is on vacation for the next week or two so it’s better after that. I will send update here when he is home. With instant messenger, you could just tentatively schedule something and just try to meet up when you are both available for example.

Hi my developer is back if you want to work with him on this. Let me know.

If you can DM or email me his details we can try to coordinate, but I will be fairly limited in availability/predictability for the next few weeks