ERG mode overshooting power targets

When doing intervals in erg mode my trainer (elite suito) overshoots the power target by up to 20W, and takes 15-20 seconds to reduce the resistance to match target power.

I try to keep my cadence constant during the ramp up to the interval. If I decrease my cadence to reduce power it feels like I’m grinding it out below 80rpm.

I use a spider based power meter on my bike and have power match turned on.

Any suggestions to help reduce the duration/power of these overshoots?

Our power match is not optimum for short duration higher intensity changes. TrainerRoad had the same problem for about 8 years until they improved theirs. It’s complicated to do. The simple solution would be for us to just provide an offset (in addition to) rather than a new power match. This would likely mostly fix the problem. I would not be perfect but it would be better for bigger interval changes like these. Sorry I have no better suggestion at this point. You could turn off power match and press + or -. This is basically what offset would do but the problem is without an offset feature your power would always be at a different level than the target or the graph, so it looks worse.