ERG mode unstable after resume (Taxc Flux)


I see there are several post about problems in ERG mode with Tacx Flux, but my problem is still a little different.

Most of the rides are ok, but I noticed the problem seems to occur when I stop riding mid-training.
Today I did an FTP test, everything was working fine and I reached my max power.
I stepped of the bike to lay down and the training auto-paused.
when I resumed, my ftp got set correctly, but during the cooldown I noticed the requested power didn’t feel steady but instead fluctuated, although the display said it only wanted 110w
(the drop around 9 minutes is due to some minor shifter issue, so you can ignore that)

It feels like the requesting power fluctuates between 110 and 140w and changes every couple of seconds while I try to keep a steady pace.
You can see the “power” chart in the cooldown i much more jagged as a result.

Last week I had the same problem when someone was at the front door when I was 5 minutes into my training. When I got back on the bike the requested power didn’t feel steady.
I ended the training (unfortunately i didn’t save it), restarted the app and restarted the training without any problems.

I use trainerday for about a little bit over a year, but I only noticed this behavior when I started training indoors again around December 2023.
Unfortunately I don’t have an exact date as I normally just complete a ride in 1 go.

Today my app version is: Android v4.6.1


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That is strange. Can you try it on some short tests and see if it is quickly repeatable? If it is and you are willing to work with my developer we should be able to get this fixed quickly.

Sure, I’ll try to do some tests this week and i’ll post my results here.
And if needed you may get me in contact with you developer

Thanks, once we know it is easily repeatable then it makes 100% sense to work with him. Just some 2-3 minute tests are fine, assuming it happens with them.

I did 2 short tests but couldn’t reproduce the behavior.
I’ll do some longer test in the next days.

Is there any debug-logging I can already enable in the app?

No, it’s real time debugging and first we have to do some set up. Because it is real-time my developer has to have his laptop on and the server running on his lap top to get the data. So that’s why it’s best if it is easily repeatable to make it easy for you and him to work together.

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I did a longer training this week and paused at the end of it.
When I resumed everything worked fine, so I couldn’t reproduce the problem.

I’ll keep you posted if the problem happens again.


I had the exact same problem twice I think, once my trainer got disconnected and reconnected after half a minute but could not get a stable erg during that ride. Other time I picked one of the training sessions (one of the free ones) and erg was not stable at all. But I also cannot reproduce it on demand.
Mostly it works fine though so thankful for that :smiley:

I get this on my Tacx Neo (the old version) if I need to stop for the loo. What I have found works for me is, as I start to ride again, I switch to slope mode for a few seconds and allow it to catch the watts and then switch back to ERG. Not sure how and why it would make a difference and it could be coincidence but I tend to get the issue if I don’t do that and don’t have the problem if I do, so worth a try.

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That’s very interesting. This makes me think is maybe what happens is as the trainer is reconnecting maybe we send the power target update too soon before the trainer is ready for it. I know TrainerRoad has this 5 second or so startup sequence before you begin the workout, not sure if they do that on resume (can’t remember). This could be their way of working around this.