I have a workout that switches from erg to slope and then back to erg. It seems that my trainer isn’t obeying the slope, until it gets a second slope change command.
For the first erg->slope change, my resistance doesn’t change. For the second change, erg->slope->slope, I don’t feel the first change at all, but the second one takes effect.
In the case of the first one, I can make it take effect as soon as I manually increase or decrease the slope from the UI within the interval.
App version 2.6.2 on iPad OS 15.1
Tacx Neo 2T trainer
It’s easy enough to work around right now, but thought I’d bring it up.
I have not had time to use slope mode other than testing but since i have iOS devices and 2T I should be able to replicate this. I am home after 6th of January so can’t fix this quickly but thanks for letting us know.
No worries Alex. Adding a short section with slope = 0 ahead of the actual change I want allows me to work around it for now. Have a good Holiday break.
I’m also having ERG -> Issues. When following an workout, ERG mode just doesn’t work anymore if I select Slope. For example:
First 20’ of an workout in ERG mode going very well.
Then I have a few intervals that I decide to use Slope mode to better use my bike gears or other reason. It also works well, I can set and feel every % adjustment;
Then I want to go back to ERG. I can select it, but the trainer will stay at the slope I had previously selected. Different power levels on the workout or even adjusting the power (100, 105, 110%, etc) has no effect.
Oh thanks for these details. Others are reporting issues maybe related to going in and out of slope mode too. We have a new version coming soon that we have been working on slope mode. We are also working with one person having issues tomorrow so maybe we will find something there too.