iOS 12.4.8
Old iPad Mini 2
TrainerDay 3.3.6
Wahoo Kickr Core
I’m getting weird issues where the ERG stops changing but is still reporting so not a “drop” per se?
It generally just sits at 98watts. This happens at transitions and won’t “snap out of it” sometimes even with a power cycle of the device and the trainer.
Wondering if anyone has experienced this before? I’m tending to blame the old iPad but it would be a shame if that was the issue.
Is this the first time this has happened, or is it a common occurrence? If you press the + or - button, does the ERG target change or no? Did this problem happen on previous versions before 3.3.6?
Also our app is fairly resource intensive so slight possibility your old mini is a problem. I have one so I could try to test this too. I don’t think that is the problem though. Also with your Kickr Core do you have latest firmware?
I have the exact iPad Mini 2 (2013) as well, and I had to make (quite) a few optimisations to get it t work w/o lagging, especially when writing the FIT file, drawing the Gradients of the FIT/TCX/GPX files.
Interestingly, sometimes the whole UI would “stuck” and I can’t do anything until the unit is rebooted. (This usually happens when my kid had spent hours on youtube)