Error on convert to HR?


I am trying to send a workout to TrainingPeaks in Outdoor HR mode. However when I look at the converted workout on TP the HR zones are way too low. I have checked the HR converter ratios and all looks correct in the preview there, and no luck when trying to change the values there.

Some screenshot with the details:

The original workout:

This is how I convert it to HR mode:

The result on TP, as you can see the HR zones are way too low for a VO2Max effort:

My HR converter settings: (all the preview/example values on the right charts look correct there, i.e. zone 5 should be 171 bpm)

I also tried to change all the HR converter ratios to all 1s, but in that case the TP workout ends up being converted to a single very low HR zone:

am I doing something wrong? Otherwise this doesn’t seem to be working properly


No there is some big bug here. We are going to fix this ASAP.

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Moved your bug to this one since it is the same.


Hi! Have a update about that?


My developer is just getting started with it now so hopefully should be next week.

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Hello Alex, how are you?

Have a update about that?

Looking forward to using it again.

Hi, we decided to change a lot regarding this so it’s a big task, but I think it should be next week. We are going to put a lot of effort into making hr training great in TD including adding it directly to Coach Jack but for now it will be mostly just replacing that broken part.


Ok finally!!! Should be fixed. See update here


Try again, should be much better now but you can preview it on our website first to make sure it looks right first.

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Nice!! I will try, thank you!

I tried it and the HR values look good on TrainingPeaks now, thanks!

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