Error on convert to HR?


When i have a trainning with a configuration like that:

After convert to HR mode, the values like example 94%, its converted to 94% of maximum heart rate, but in this trainning would be a Z3 session. The 94% refer the power in Z3 zone.

The trainning its sent wrong to device.

Can help with that?


Did you set your threshold HR to your threshold or to your max HR in our settings? Threshold HR is about .95X20min best avg HR for all out effort (text says 1.05 but it is wrong on this page). Also you can further affect how the conversion happens with these ratios.

Yes, i set. The another sessions its ok, the problem occur only in that type configuration when the session have more than one intervals:

  • 5 min @ Z2 (~63w / ~113bpm) its ok
  • 5 min @ Z4 (~98w / ~176bpm) its ok
  • 1:30 min @ Z2 (~70w / ~126bpm) its ok
  • 3 min @ Z2 (~70w / ~126bpm) its ok
  • 27 min @ Z3 (~76w / ~137bpm)
    • 21 min @ 94% (94w) error, there should be bpm information here, as there isn’t, garmin understands it as 94% of heart rate, and put the session the Z4, 21 minutes in Z4, the training stay wrong, because there should be 21min in Z3 with 94% of power rate
    • 4 min @ 78% (78w) error
    • 2 min @ 56% (56w) error

Our descriptions have a few bugs when mixing segment types (fixing soon), also we don’t support zone based HR, you must put specific HR values. Zones just convert to % of FTP for a simpler way to enter watt targets. Does that help?

How i do that on activity? Its possible edit?


Not possible on an activity, but I don’t understand why it would even matter to do it on an activity.

because the training is wrong, i need view in Garmin the correct value, if is Z3 it’s needed values of Z3, not Z4.

Ok now I understand. This may seem complicated but it’s actually easy to fix 1 time and it will be good. Changing the above HR ratio will affect it when you use send it to garmin for your existing workouts at the time of sending them.

Just realize their are multiple layers here. Garmin zones are HR zones, our zones are power zones. You need to make sure those HR Ratio’s above make it so that the middle of zone 3 power (say 83%) and if your Garmin HR Z3 is also 83% then change the HR factor to 1.0… Make sense? If not you need to put the right multiplier so it will target the zones you want.

Then see below send to Garmin as HR

Nice, i will try, thank you!

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Hi! What is the error? I cant set bpm values.


Enter slope (-25% - +25%) or BPM (80 - 200)

Sorry originally I thought you were trying to use our app. These BPM values are only for our app, and you must set the type to HR by adding the type column, but this is not what you are trying to do.

You are trying to use Garmin and the only way to do that is to convert power zones to hr zones which you don’t need to enter BPM values at all. Eventually it might make sense to allow creating HR workouts directly in our editor but currently this is not possible. just remove these BPM targets.

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Hi! i come back

Have much errors on conversion, its impossible use the app with that errors, if cant convert to garmin correctly, that feature should wouldn’t been enabled to customers.

Look that numbers, from 100w trainning, in conversion sent to garmin the value go to 45w, very very wrong, i tried multiple configurations on hr ratio and unsucesfull in all.

Sorry, i want my money back.


It’s no problem you can have your money back. I was very confused because you were talking about zones and using our editor and now you are talking about sending a coach jack workout to Garmin and converting to HR.

In this second case I gave you bad advice. You should have left the conversion ratios like they were. (See my previous screenshot). They might need some small tweaking but generally they were closer to correct.

I will say that most of our users use a power meter outdoors but this HR process works as well. If you don’t mind changing the values back in the HR converter and sending a workout to Garmin you can review and it should be close to what you want. But if this is too much effort I understand and I will just refund you. There is no limit, I can refund you next week if you want to keep trying.

I changed the ratios only to confirm the watts value.

I changed back, continues wrong.

The first 5min, in original trainning is 75w, in conversion to HR, would be about 90% of my lthr (170), in case result in 153bpm, but showed 167 on garmin.

The next 2 min, in original, is 100w, in conversion should be about 95% of lthr, but been changed to 45w (63 on garmin).

Yes, if possible, i want the refund, i cannot buy a power meter at this time.


Sure no problem on the refund, will do it tomorrow. We could figure this out and fix it and/or explain it but I am not seeing all the information I need here.

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Ok I finally see exactly what you mean and you are totally right there is some bug or bugs here. This does not work correctly for HR conversion. We will get this fixed right away but I still will refund you.

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Thanks you!! I really liked the app, but unfortunately wont work to what i need. If i had a power meter would be perfectly.

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If you fix this bug soon, I can wait.

We will fix it soon. I will refund you and give you a free month for your troubles once it is fixed and you can try it out :slight_smile:

I will respond here so you get a notification.

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Ok refunded. It’s safer this way as I would try hard to get it fixed in the next week or two but I can’t be sure.

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