Extended time off from injury

I was 1.5 months into my Coach Jack plan (Dedicated Italian) and in the build phase when I crashed my bike and injured knee enough to have to take 3 weeks off. This past week I resumed the training plan, just skipping what I had missed. I now have one more week until I got into peak phase. Is this the right move or should I start with a new plan? I have an A Race in mid January.

Hard to say, it sounds like this bike race is very important to you but if you cause more serious or long term damage by going too hard too early you will regret it.

Normally for time off I (and Andrea) just recommends backing up a week or so and repeating it. As long as your doctor or you, know the risk is low then that should work. So 2 weeks of build, that hopefully is not too difficult and then a peak period that if you feel 100% could be a week shorter but you could skip the first week and ultimately you should be at similar place other than any impact of 3 weeks off. If you can try to do anything to retain some aerobic during that time. I don’t know what is safe for knees and aerobic, not sure if you have any ideas. Aerobic arm work is pretty close to impossible I think.