External power meter sensor setup in TrainerDay

Hi Everyone,

First and foremost, thank you for providing such a great app.

I have two questions with regards to the equipment setup, one for wahoo users and another related to the app itself.

I use Wahoo kickr snap to connect with trainerday and the connection works, but the calibration process is a mess and my power output is always way higher than what the app says (last ride is was – 60W vs 4iiii crankarm power meter connected to Garmin) was doing 300W in reality vs 240W in Trainerday via wahoo.

To avoid this I want to use 4iiii crankarm power meter to control wahoo.

It seems to me that there are two ways to achieve it (please confirm / correct if I am wrong)

  1. Go to wahoo app and enable external power meter readings by giving its ATN ID. In this situation I assume that in TrainerDay I connect only to Wahoo and it gives power reading from 4iiii. No need to connect 4iiii directly in the app. If this this is true, ERG mode does not work - any suggestion on what might go wrong ?
  2. Disregard wahoo app options, connect both wahoo and 4iiii in TrainerDay and enable “power match”. Again it does not seem to work (no ERG mode, power readings jumping all over the chart) but I only tested it for 3 minutes. Maybe it takes a bit to kick in ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions on how to crack this.

Hi, welcome. Happy to have you. Yes I briefly heard something about this wahoo direct connection although I have not heard it, but if that works my guess is that is better than our power match. I need to read up on this or ask the guys at Wahoo, and or test on my wahoo although my kickr and pedal is pretty close to the same so it’s not so easy to be sure.

I have not had any complaints about power match so it should work as designed and for sure should work with ERG but it’s pretty slow to react so it requires more steady state, does not work well with short intervals. I would say 3 minute intervals are the minimum. It should be obvious ERG is working, even just pressing + and - at the bottom. It should have been clear in the beginning, although I know people with wheel on need to try to get them reasonably calibrated or else it might now work very well.

But the two ideas you are saying sound exactly right. I would use option #1 if it works.