Our calendar is new this year so we don’t have completed ativites integrated with the calendar yet. We have the a different way of doing plans which rather than a calendar you can do one workout after the next on whatever days you want by pushing them to My Plans and turning them on in our app. In this way we do have the ability to marke something as done but it still is not integrated with the calendar but if you mark it as done it will move to the next one.
You are right we need this for sure. I am not sure how soon we will get to it.
I just started my premium plan and realise that this feature is still not implemented. Any plan to add it soon? I feel like a calendar that only track “what is coming” and not “what been exactly done” automaticaly is only half good! Looking forward to this improvement as I really appreciate all the rest of the app!
Yes, I saw that, but it does not show the ACTUAL session that I did (with power, HR… etc. data). It’s only like a checkmark. If it was too hard/ease or if I did any adjustment, I don’t see it in my calendar with the “completed” button. My exemple is I did an FTP ramp test and I marked may calendar as “completed”. But I can’t see my session unless I go in “my activities”. It would bre useful is I could find it all in My Calendar; both actual pass session and futur planned.
Here is the sequence: I completed a TD ramp test (automatic) that I ran from the TD app. I hadn’t plan it. I was at day -1 of a new training cycle and wanted to fix a baseline. I simply found the workout in the app and clicked on “ride now”. Completed the torture(!), got a new FTP number.
To my surprise, the completed workout did not show up in my calendar. I had to manually “plan” a ramp test after the fact and mark it as completed! And none of the workout data was synchonized to my Garmin but more importantly Interval.icu. I had to download the workout .FIT file, import it to my Garmin account and THEN it got synched to Interval.icu.
When I complete workouts, I want the data (power, HR, stress, etc. etc.) to transfer to my Interval.icu so I can track my progress.
Oh something strange happened. Showing on calendar is a new feature so maybe there is a bug. Do you see it on the activities tab? If it is on activities can you send me a link to it?
We can’t sync to Garmin unless vis iOS rungap app. Search forum for this if you want to read more. To sync to intervals you need to configure it through Strava or Dropbox.