Flagging "original" TrainerDay workouts in search?

Is there a way to flag original TrainerDay workouts in the workout search? The issue I’m having is that there are frankly too many workouts to choose from, because people make variations and all those come up in the search. For example, if you search for Collywobbles, which I think is an “original” TrainerDay workout, there are 3 pages of variations, with “Copy” in the title and different descriptions etc. There is also no way of telling if people altered the levels in the workout without changing the description etc. It would be great to be able to see which are the “original” workouts (unless I missed it).

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HI, interesting request. We don’t really have original TD workouts, meaning even though it is called Collywobbles, every workout generated by coach jack is unique so even though they share the same name they are different lengths and intensities. These are mostly just a zone 2 workouts and nothing super special about it. The Coach Jack plan that is specifically designed for you is more “special” and SFR workouts and dynamic force workouts are more rare so slightly unique to us but mostly it’s the entire sequence that works together that makes it unique. Each week builds on the next week. I am not sure that exactly is the answer you want, but why not just build a plan and then pick workouts out of your plan as you please. That is how you get TD workouts.

So each workout is just randomly generated for the levels and durations, as long as it fits in the parameters of the type of workout?

For zone 2 for the most parts, yes, for all the other workouts the warmup main work and cool down are specific sequences but the secondary workout is generated to meet the time and stress requirements.

shows these 4 elements of a workout.
