FTP ramp test, first time

New member. Did the ramp test and got as far as I could… Then nothing… So I try continue but can’t …
Where’s my FTP number?

The app told me nothing which is very frustrating after killing myself on the Ramp.
Am I missing something?

Strange one other user reported this. I will have a look and tell you your FTP. It seems to have to do with how you ended the test. But we will improve or fix this.

Looks like 327w which is 75% of your hardest minute. Your test looks fine so not sure why this did not automatically calculate your FTP.

Nope sorry a closer look it looks like 320… no change…

I should also say on the favorites tab we have our ramp test that we created. You grabbed some ramp test created by someone else. Ultimately it should not matter but it might.