Fulgaz zwo import not showing data

Hello team,

I am a new user on Trainerday. I have tried to use some of the ZWO files and import them into Fulgaz. However, even though I was able to use ZWO files from different sources, the ones from Trainerday show nothing in terms of the steps (duration, power, cadence) or comments.

This is a screenshot showing with green the other zwos, and with red the ones from here:

I am wondering if this is a generic issue or something else that I should be looking into.

Thank you

Strange. Is this one of the workouts you tried?

If so I see a problem with this particular workout that we can fix. It’s likely the same with your second workout.

I fixed it here, and you can test and see if this uploads to FulGaz


Hi Alex,

Thank you very much for fixing this workout, indeed, it uploaded and worked perfectly in Fulgaz, both steps and activity comments.

Is this a fix that you can apply platform-wide? Or is there a quick fix I could apply (editing the file?) if I were to re-encounter this again?

All the best

We will fix this platform wide, soon. It should be rare to encounter this.

I’ve seen it for example here as well: Trainer Day - Workout: Sneaky (part of the same training plan), so I suspect it has something to do with the activity comments.

I’ve seen for the initial ones, the double quotes were deleted, not sure if this is happening here as well.

Yes, exactly. There is “ in it that causes it to fail. You can clone and edit comments to remove these.