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Tried TrainerDay for the first time last night after reading about it a couple of days ago.
I really liked it, simple and straight forward to setup and most important no issues during my ride, it just worked which is more can be said for other software I’ve tried recently.
I’ll give it a couple of weeks trying the free workouts and if its stable and reliable I’ll sign up, its just what I’m looking for.
Many Thanks


Sweet Ian, happy to have you aboard :slight_smile:

Hi Alex, subbed today, I’m over the moon with having the ability to create my own workouts and upload them to my Elemnt Bolt for 3.5eur a month. I’d love to do performance science in college in September and I spend my free time looking at training articles. So I never saw the value in an expensive coach and 130eur TP account when they come to the same conclusions as I do with regards to zone training. Thank you and Trainerday’s team for a very fair subscription fee and well designed site.

Edit: Can’t wait to spread the word and I think porting MRC files is the best way for me to go about uploading workouts but it would be cool to see if there was a way of making a program that could do it automatically so long as the device(elemnt bolt in my case) was plugged in

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Wow, so happy to have you!!! :slight_smile: I agree with everything you say. I keep trying to get direct integration with Wahoo, my friend is the main developer responsible for their public API but I still can’t get it prioriized. Us, Xert and all want this and are working as a team but not moving forward. The only option for you is to use a free TrainingPeaks account and push workouts every day you want to ride to TP and then it will show up in Wahoo or with paid TP you can create a schedule in TP. If you want adhoc training the way you are doing it is probably best at this time. Thanks again

Because I start my rides in an urban area I generally only make the workouts or intervals in blocks so that i can start them mid ride, I know what I have to do most days and I’ll do whatever session it is. I believe in simplicity and not Zwift style workouts with as many colours as a rainbow. So I’m not overly fussed about not having a weekly loaded plan, because I do similar interval blocks weekly.

Edit; I’d heavily recommend setting up a TD Instagram account

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I think your strategy is how everyone should train outdoors :slight_smile: or even go more simple and just memorize or top tube simple workouts… I wanted to crate a way to print toptube stickers… :slight_smile: anyway glad to have you sounds like a great approach.


Just bought a Kickr after three winters on a “dumb” fluid trainer.

Been using a power meter for about 4 months and got hooked on for tracking my training progress.

Was going through all the indoor trainer app options, all fairly pricey and not quite what I was looking for, as I make up all my own outdoor training plans.

TrainerDay is the perfect platform for people who like to build their own plans and track their progress. So happy to have stumbled across your app.

You need to get a few influencers like DC Rainmaker, GPLlama etc to review your product and get the word out about this excellent, reasonably-priced training resource!


Oh yes I see you found our forums. Yes GPLama says it is on his list of things to do to review our site. DCrainmaker says he only does the top 5 most popular apps and we are not there yet :slight_smile:


I’ll make sure to comment on GPllama’s post when he does it.

I’ve got quite a few guys I ride with onto as they’ve seen the growth I’ve had since getting a power meter and using cycles of progressive overload.

Will have to spread the word about TrainerDay too!!


Just a note though, his Cycling Training App In-Depth guide , covers 11 (it is out of date though)

I sent them an email asking if they would review us last winter and they told me they have moved to only reviewing the top apps. I think they said top 5 but maybe it’s more. Generally their are too many apps and I think they get better response from hardware or it is more fun or something. I see GPLama has gone mostly to Zwift, but this new Coach Jack builder can be good for Zwift too so it might interest him. I will work on GPLama since he said he wants to review us and if I can get him to do it maybe that will help convince DCrainmaker. Thanks for trying. We really do need to get the word out there. When people find us they are frequently surprised… wow why have I not heard of you…



I heard about the app several times but never really tried it.
However somehow I had a closer look today and I must say that I’m very impressed so far! Hell I subscribed after 30minutes :slight_smile:
In the last months I was dual recording my trainerroad workouts and zwift.
I love that TrainerDay can export the workouts and plan directly to Zwift or others via TrainingPeaks. This will make my life so much easier!
Now I m playing around with coach Jack but couldn’t find the right plan yet. For example I want to have a minimum of 1h workouts but Jack keeps giving me 40min workouts even that I set 1 hour availability for those days.
I suppose I m still a bit unsure how to set it up correctly with the sliders but I’m still learning how to use it.

Anyway good job!


Great, great, great,:grinning: it sounds like you set you maximimum hours, now just increase your weekly start hours and you will be good. :+1: happy to have you.

Hi Folks,
paid for membership a little while ago…so should have come by and earlier! Sorry.
Got fed up with the Tacx mobile app playing up and found you…just what I wanted in the first place.
Loving the platform and ease of creating workouts.

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Super happy to have you and welcome.

Doing lots of reading so not to ask too many silly questions.

See you in a week or 2, ha ha!

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There are no silly questions here :slight_smile:

Where can i find corrsct settings for the app
I have a kickr, favero Pedals and an ipad.
Power Match doesnt work or its really bad

Hi there. Our power match works well for many people but it works poorly for large power changes especially if there are big differences between your power meter and trainer at times. Just like TrainerRoad we do need to build “Power match 2.0,” and this is planned but very complex so it will take some time. You can search this forum for more discussions on this. I wish we had a magic setting to improve your experience.