HR Mode seems to be erratic

Hi Alex, please find attached screenshot. HR took a long time to reach a close to range. Was over 12-15 over set rate for a long time. (This was yesterday about 24 hours ago)
I use a Kickr bike. New user, am excited about the product have told lots of fellow riders in my Zwift clubs Valhalla and NZBRO about it. Any pointers?

I noticed something similar today… Took about 15 min to reach the set HR and from there it stayed about 5 BPM below the set HR for the entire training. I had to set the HR higher to get to the HR I wanted…

That is very strange. Please check which version of our app you have. We just launched a new version of our algorithm. Looks like something went wrong assuming you have the latest version. Can you send me the link to this workout from our website? I will test our code with your data and see what happened. Can you tell me what your target HR is. We will get this fixed ASAP. KickrBike, cool lucky you. Believe it or not Wahoo actually gave me a KickrBike for testing but sadly I gave it to my partner :slight_smile: So lucky him.

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Your problem sounds like you have the last version of our app. I had a 12+ minute warmup built into that version but people were complaining so I fixed it back to what I thought was the previous version. The current version is 4.1.7 and came out yesterday I think.

Hi Alex,
Target HR was 121 although I adjusted up and down by 2-3 when HR didn’t seem to be matching up with target.652b609925f53f2f9dd3dd25.tcx (3.5 MB)

The latest HR version does drop the power as soon as you exceed the target by a few BPM, and doesn’t lift the power again until your HR has dropped to consistently below Target - 5 BPM. Maybe the increases need to kick in a bit earlier.

I would have said it is ramping up the warmup faster than previous versions also. Yesterday i hit max power for the warmup in under 7 minutes.

That’s how I’m reading it anyway!

Yes, originally I set the power target to average your max HR, and realized it really should have been closer to a limit since that is how most people are using it. Yes this is how it should look this original bump in power was the part I was trying to fix with my last version, but it seems more people complained warmup went too slow. from my perspective this is what it should look like until I can allow custom warmups, like ERG warmup followed by HR.

But yes you are right now that I lowered the max limit maybe I should raise the bottom limit a little. I was trying to avoid it changing the power ever 30 or 60 seconds but really maybe changes more often are not such a big deal and people prefer to be a bit closer to the limit. Thanks so much for the feed back.

I think other guys had old version of our app because what you experienced is what I expected. Or just different people are seeing different results but it does not make sense because everyone should see something like you are seeing.

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Hi, please look in our settings other options at the bottom and see which version of our app you have. I looking at this it seems you have older version that had a problem. It should be 4.1.7

Hi Alex, new version seems to be working a lot better. Thanks!

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