Import .gpx not work


I am trying to create a workout by importing a gpx file but nothing happens. Why?

Can you email me your GPX file to I just tried TCX and it worked. Is the GPX a ride you did? It must have power data in it.

I have sent the files by email

Oh yes I see your workout. Currently you can only upload rides you have completed that have power data in them not routes created in a planner. We need to make this clear on the site. Without power in there it would look very strange in our app. As we enhance slope mode more we definitly want to support routes like this.

Ok, thank you for the answer and explanation.

If I download gpx from Strava, where I think the power data should be (generated by the Strava algorithm), will I be able to create a workout?

I am not sure how strava generates power data (assuming you don’t have a power meter) but you can try it. If the power data is there it should work. You can forward me the file via email again and I can review that one too if it does not work.

I imported from Strava and it works.
I also use the IpBike app (Android), and I can create a workout from saved routes too.

Thank you!

Oh cool had not heard of IpBike.