Inaccurate distance going to Strava (SOLVED)

Distance from TrainerDay is not accurately exported to strava…

Please clarify. We don’t use the distance from the trainer we calculate it and indoor distance, especially in ERG there is no such thing as distance because you did not move any where and we don’t know if you are going up hill or down hill :slight_smile: We convert power to distance. You can go to our settings in the website and adjust your drag coefficient to modify your speed. Also if you are seeing maps, we use the distance based on the map that is provided. Generally our method of calculating distance is far more accurate than taking what is give from the trainer. Now maybe you mean something else. Maybe there is a new bug? :slight_smile:

Because some people ride very aero, and some ride more MTB style they have very different drag coefficients. Also the trainer does not know your weight, so we use weight in our calculation. Another reason it is more accurate. But in some random cases peoples trainer is similar to to their outdoor speeds so they have gotten used to it.

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Okay… will note it… thank you for detailed explanation :relaxed:

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