Insert Feature in workout builder

I’m probably just missing it, but is there a way to insert an interval into a created workout? An example would wanting to insert an extra over and under interval into a created over/under.

If you mean in our editor, yes just use copy and paste, to paste it lower and then put the row you want. You can also clone a workout that already exists and insert this interval and save it as your own. Finally while you are training in our app if you hold down that + button you can make it so it will automatically insert another one of the same one of those intervals you just did in real time. If you need any help with any of this let me know and I can provide screenshots or a video.

This dynamic version of training is shown in this video but I know you are were talking more about editing an existing workout

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Got it, the workout builder is so good I was guessing this wasn’t overlooked.

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