Interval beep is too LOUD

iPadOS 18.2. + TD 5.1.7

My issue: When doing a workout in TD on an iPad, I use the Split View to watch Youtube or listen to Spotify at the same time. Recently, I noticed that the interval beep has become so loud that I’ve had to turn it to ‘None’. Even the ‘low volume’ setting at 32% is way too loud. I can’t mitigate this by turning down the main volume of the iPad as then I won’t be able to hear whatever is playing in the other window. Would be great if the interval beep could be made adjustable.

iPadOS 18.2 + TD version 5.1.7

Interesting, funny we never even tested this in this way… it’s so obvious. For now we will just adjust the low and medium based on comparing it to typical YT video… in hindsight maybe slider would have been better, I was just trying to keep it in a single setting to avoid more and more settings… not sure it was the best choice. We have new build coming out tomorrow or something but the build after this we will at least lower the low and medium volumes.

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