Hello, just FYI, when uploading a workout with slope to Intervals.icu the graph is only a few seconds long with no data in it, and I receive the following message:
“This activity has been recorded with approximately 4208 seconds per data point. Intervals.icu works best with a data point every second. Please disable [smart recording] on your device if possible.)”
Another example is from a separate workout where I received the same message but with different "seconds per data point:
“This activity has been recorded with approximately 5401 seconds per data point. . . .”
In all cases, the same workout, when uploaded to TrainingPeaks, is fine.
Hi Jas can you send me a link to your activity? How are you uploading? TCX file upload to intervals downloaded from our website? This sounds like an issue on the Intervals side but you never know.
Hi, I use the TrainerDay auto-upload for Itervals.icu. However, as I’ve investigated this further, I’ve now noted it’s been happening off and on for a while, and includes workouts without slope. My current sense of this is that it’s probably due to the relay of data between my apps, and the HealthFit app is either the common denominator or the final relay of bad data. It uploads the same TrainerDay file to Intervals.icu (so it has two files, one from Strava and one from HealthFit, and this has worked fine until recently). I am not entirely sure where HealthFit is getting its bad data, but I use it to sync Apple Watch workouts with Strava, Intervals.icu, TrainingPeaks. It’s possible that HealthFit has started to not recognise the info from the workout, and then upload to Intervals, or another app is doing that and syncing to HealthFit before it uploads (RidewithGPS for example does not recognise any power/watts in any TrainerDay ride, at least on my set up). So I am in the middle of a trial and error process where I’m mapping the apps and stopping certain syncs to see if I can remedy this. I think I have a preliminary solution in simply stopping auto uploads from HealthFit, but I need to figure out why an app is not recognising TrainerDay power data, etc.