Iphone music stops 3s before the next interval starts

At first I thought my kids were somehow messing with my phone but then figured out that the TrainerDay app stops my iphone Music app or Spotify app 3 seconds before the next interval. Any way around this? Thanks!

this is possibly due to the app taking control of the volume to emit the BEEP sound to signify next interval will start.

Strange this should not happen. We used to have this bug but have not seen it in a long time. We will test it.

Strange I just testing on latest iOS, and iphone 11pro with both spotify and apple music and don’t have any problem like this. Maybe it is some conflict with bluetooth headphones or something?

I searched a bit more on your forum and saw something similar that was resolved by a phone reboot. I just tried that on another ride just now and it fixed it. Thank you for the follow up. I love the app so far. :grinning:

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Funny, I try to remember all those fixes but I don’t remember that one, although it is my default answer for most problems :slight_smile:

I do server support for a telecommunications company, so should definitely have thought of the reboot first. :grinning: