Issue with completing workout not going to the next workout the next time I train

Hi Alex,
Please, can you help me?
why when I select a workout from the created plan, and go to start it, does the app always load me only the first workout of the plan and not the current one?

If it says “Day 1” in the app that is because you are using our “sequence of workouts feature” and at the end of doing “Day 1” you need to mark it as completed. If you are using our calendar it will say “Today” in our app and show you app for today. Sending screenshot can help.

Hi Alex,
yes, I understood that I have to mark the workout done as done, but in any case when I have to do the next workout and I click run now, it always loads the first one that is marked as done

Strange, maybe there is a new bug. Let me test this and see what I find.