Sorry, it’s not available until Apple approves it. Will be available tomorrow. Just go to settings and make sure the “Double Power” is on and then connect one of your pedals.
I think only the L does the math. R is broadcasting, but L captures it and sends the combined power to the receiver.
I’ll see what happens if I chose the R for doubling, just to see what happens.
Oh yes interesting, since it shows up as a BLE device it should still work fine even though it is technically broadcasted from the other pedal.
Maybe only the advanced pedal analysis gets lost and you don’t use that anyway. Not yet
I’m not sure if this has been implemented, but I don’t think so, as I do not see any additional options (iOS).
I noticed something strange though.
I connected my Assioma’s - only the left pedal showed up, but it doubled the power. I do not have that setting enabled.
I also connected the P1’s and I got the impression that it didn’t matter which pedal I chose, but both were showing the same output (which was correct and double of what I got earlier, when I started this post).
@Cyclopaat Are you up to date with Assioma app and Firmware? If so, there seems to be differences from Ios compared to Android. Here are screenshots from mine on Android.
Can’t speak for P1’s.
And now I see where he get’s his 20hr + weeks…
He’s riding with 2 pairs of pedals at the same time
It’s not approved by Apple or by Google yet. They seem to be going slower than usual
I’m up to date on the firmware and I have specifically not set the unifying L/R thing. I have an iPhone, so the iOS version may differ from the Android one. I also do not have a static weight test available…
(So, that was a lie )
Yes and on two bikes no less.
The P1’s are on my spin bike, the Assioma’s on my Neo 2T bike.
That’s why I want power doubling, so I can cycle with one leg on one bike and the other leg on the other bike.
I’m not testing this for the Assioma’s, but for the P1’s - the Assioma’s are tested against the Neo sometimes, to adjust the off set (currently 2.5%).
Odd that I get double the power from the Assioma’s then. I had the Neo at 150 Watts…
I could not compare the P1’s to the Neo (well, I could if I swap them), but the spin bike was at low resistance and it ‘felt’ like what it showed, whereas it was showing 60-70 Watts earlier this week…
I am confused. Our logic is if your power meter name ends in L or R and you set double power in our app it will double the power. So it will double you Assiomas and P1
I’ll double check the Assioma’s settings. Double the power is off, but maybe the unifying is on (I don’t remember doing that - I did a couple of times, but always ended up fiddling to get it back to normal, as stated earlier - Claude mentioned it could stay on though).
Even so, if I set my Neo at 150 Watts and the Assioma’s show 300+, something is amiss, even if I do have unifying on…
The PowerTap pedals show up L and R separately alright…
Yes using our app with your Assiomas need power double off in our app or pedal with one leg we don’t know how to see that it is really both pedals. In the future maybe we can read that some how
Sorry, I just checked again and it’s all my bad - unifying is on AND power doubling is also on in the TD app. I have just never clicked ‘Account and Additional Settings’ in the app and I didn’t know unifying L/R was on for the Assioma pedals
The only thing I do not get is RPM (from the Assioma’s). as already visible in the screenshots above…
But, as I already said before, for the Assioma’s it’s not a problem, I need the P1’s to capture the power.
Also, I apparently have more settings in the Assioma app too, as shown above - just something else I never look at. Just Zero offset (and the unifying thing, but that was long ago)…
Welcome to the club
I should not have thrown the Assioma’s in to start with, as it was about the P1’s…
Crap, that’s a real bug!!! My Assioma’s do not show RPM either. I need to check more devices. Seems like others are fine, not sure how this happened.
Well, I was in doubt. I have rpm on the app but it probably comes from the trainer (Tacx Vortex has speed cadence but it’s not good) . I did see rather large differences between my bike computer (pedals ANT+) and TD app. But I did not investigate yet.