Lately i am loosing watts / power. First I thought it was my Garmin that messed the ride up. ( garmin HR paired to the TD ) but today I was using polar and the same happened.
Workout start fine. But then the watts just don’t want to follow the watts target. I have tried turning trainer off and on. But happened twice today.
Also I thought it was the Elite direto, but it also happens on my kickr. It’s been worse since the last two updates ?
Not sure want the best setup should be , for training on erg mode and using garmin hr ?
Strange. Can you try a work out like this instead of ramps do steps? What happens is your Wahoo might be getting flooded with too many requests (1 change per second on this ramp). Many other apps only send an update every 5 seconds.
If you don’t know what ramps vs steps are
A quick way to do this is send it to TrainingPeaks which does not support ramps, and then download ZWO from TP and import to TrainerDay. If this is too much work, just send me a link to the workout and I can do it for you.
Ok so it sounds like you confirmed that ramps are a problem with your Wahoo. It’s interesting as it seems some Wahoo’s work fine with ramps and others do not. Maybe they changed the chip to more efficient chip at some point. My V5 is no problem with ramps.
Anyway I am slightly confused what you mean by switching slope to sim. In my terminology these are the same unless you meant slope to ERG. If that is Direto ERG in the second screenshot that is very strange. We had made a change and one point to improve the way Direto worked and it helped a lot but then we rolled it back as it was causing other users problems. Once I understand your problem a bit better if you wanted to work with my developer we could work on a solution that works for direto without causing other users problems.
Oh this actually is confusing You have turned of Sim/Slope mode and now have resistance mode. If you are in ERG this makes no difference. You will just see a Resist button instead of a slope button on the main workout screen. Slope mode is better for most people and provides more features in general.
Happy you are happy. So if you are saying the bottom one was ERG mode with Direto yes I think you should work with my developer if you are willing. Make sure you have the Direto in more of a middle gear with your testing but that looks very strange.
Two more test rides done on the direto, first one with HR polar H10. 2nd ride with no hr monitor. Only connection was between iPad ( 9th generation ) and the turbo trainer.
Big difference.
As you can see with extra Bluetooth connection to H10 HR , the power was all over.
But without the extra connection , the 2nd ride was. Erg close to target Power.
So for me it looks like the extra Bluetooth connection to any HR device are messing up the power on the Elite Direto.
On the screenshot after a ride often the correct FTP is not updated. ( went from 135 to 190 ftp ) , if I did another ride it would be matched. . On the ride itself it’s ok.
Using the TrainerDay daily, happy to work with your developer if needed. Thx
Strange. Ok yes second one looks fine other than FTP being off. We are working on improving the way this works. Meaning we currently have a way to re-calculate workouts based on FTP but the problem is it it is based on current FTP. So you could change your FTP, recalculate this and then it would look correct. Then set your FTP back to 190
We are working on fixing FTP history and re-calculating should be based on that.
Can you do one more 5 minute test and make sure it is your HR that is causing problems with direto? And when you are sure you can replicate this I will introduce you to Grigory and get this fixed.