Merach S09 Compatibility?

Sorry I couldn’t find an answer anywhere. I have a Merach S09 bike (MERACH S09 Stationary Bike: The Complete Home Exercise Bike for Any Level Rider) . It has a Bluetooth and it connects to the trainerday app. How do I get it to auto control the resistance from workouts?

Is that automatically done or do I need to set something or pick specific workouts?

Thank you

I made this a public comment, I hope you don’t mind. Others might ask this same question. I did not find any answer on the internet but it seems this bike does not use the standard FTMS (fitness bluetooth protocol) so it won’t work with our app. The creator of this app

Is trying to take all of these not standard devices and make them standard but I am not sure if your bike is supported by them yet. You would need to ask. We are working on getting this software working now as there are a few issues with our app and this. Also if you use this software it requires having 2 phones or a phone and a tablet which is not ideal but a necessary evil.

I can connect it to the app just fine through Bluetooth. It shows cadence and changes fine as I pedal.

What would I do to test if the auto resistance is functional? Do I need the premium to check if it is working? I can’t seem to tell if that works

When I switch from erg to slope the resistance automatically jumps from 1 to 8 suggesting it is working but I can’t get it to work in any other way.

Goto the Workouts tab and start one of the freely available workouts from the lis to test.

I tried the first FTP workout. As the power number goes up, the resistance doesnt change. Should it?

The RPM reflects the pedalling.

Yes resistance should go up. The watts should match the target. You can press + button at the bottom too and resistance should go up.

The other thing to try is clicking on slope and pressing up arrow at the bottom and see if that does anything.

I’m assuming this is not what supposed to happen but let’s see.

If I hit slope mode resistance on the bike goes from 1 to 8

If I hit the up arrow it flashes 9 and then goes to 1. If it hit up again it goes to 10 and stays. Hit ip again flashes 11 but drops to 1. Up gain goes to 12.

Same if I hit down from starting at 8 it goes from flashing 7 straight to 1. If I hit down again it goes to 6. Down again flashes 5 but goes to 1. Hitting down again takes it to 4. Etc

Is there a setting I’m missing?

Yes, I think your device is just not fully following any standards, for sure this is not the typical behavior. So it seems ERG mode does not work in Zwift and in this thread people are suggesting the QZ app just like I suggested

Just to help you out here. I for sure would try this app. I just tried it with my Keiser M3i and it works. My spin bike does not support auto resistance change so no idea on that part but I would say it’s worth a 5$/test to see if it works for you. QZ is a confusing app but it works. One thing is you would need to have 2 phones or a phone and a tablet to making it work but again I still say it is worth it.

I appreciate the help. I will try it now

I’m not sure I understand what it does. It acts as a bridge between the bike and TrainerDay? Most of the instructions are to hook to peloton or zwift but I’m interested in TrainerDay


Yes this is a bridge between the two. Really it makes your bike compatible with all the major software converting your non-standard bluetooth to standardized FTMS protocol. This is assuming it works. Some people are reporting some problems with QZ and our app but we will make sure it works perfectly ASAP as soon as I can duplicate the issues (it works fine in my initial test)

I have everything connected.

What would be my expectation for the auto resistance? I’m doing ERG mode and it shows me a power goal of eg 115w. I am pedaling and the power shows 200. Should the auto resistance then decrease to make it easier so power comes more in line to 115?

Conversely I’m pedaling with a resistance of 5 and power is 100 but goal is 150 shouldn’t it increase resistance to increase my power to hit 150?

I’m not getting that. It seems somewhat inverse maybe?

No it’s not working correctly. If our power says 150w target your bike should always do the same amount. Did you try the QZ app?