Mobile app plan source

If my plan has “activate in mobile app” turned on, then I can’t find today’s workout in the mobile app. Instead if “activate in mobile app” is turned off, with configuration setting app plan source set to my calendar, then I can find today’s workout in the mobile app.
Very confusing as I’ve read instructions to use activate in mobile app.

Sounds strange. It should work. So you want to follow a sequence of workouts (one after the next) and not a strict calendar based plan. Assuming yes, it should work like you are trying. Let me test and make sure there is no bug. We do have a new fix coming for this soon but it should not cause the issue you are talking about.

I have a plan which is loaded into the calendar and I’m wanting to follow it by selecting today’s workout from calendar. It picks a seemingly random workout when “activate in mobile app” is on.

You should only have activate in mobile on our calendar page and not on the my plans page. Then restart our app and it will show today’s workout on the today tab or you can to workouts/plan in the app to see a few workouts from your calendar (one will say today)

I was setting “activate in mobile app” from the my plans page (toggle setting on the plan to on (green)).
If I go to my calendar settings I can see the setting there, (which I wasn’t aware of). It has the opposite value of what is set on the my plans page. I.e. not set on my plans as shown in attached screenshot, equates to the my calendar setting of turned on (green)
Thanks for your advice on the workouts tab on the mobile app, using the calendar plan filter. That is a good way to find todays workout.

So we have two different features to follow a plan in our mobile app, this is what makes it flexible but confusing at first

  1. Calendar - Follow a strict plan on specific days
  2. My Plans - Just do one workout after the next on whatever day you want.

If you want to use the calendar click here below.